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Achondroplasia growth and development publications

It’s important to use achondroplasia-specific growth charts and developmental milestones to ensure that you are appropriately assessing and monitoring your patients’ growth and development. For your convenience, we’ve included information on publications that you can use to learn more about growth and development monitoring.


Weight for age charts for children with achondroplasia.
Hoover‐Fong, J. et al. Am. J. Med. Genet. A 143, 2227–35 (2007).


A height‐for‐age growth reference for children with achondroplasia: Expanded applications and comparison with original reference data.
Hoover-Fong, J. et al. Am. J. Med. Genet. A 173, 1226–30 (2017).


Growth references for height, weight, and head circumference for Argentine children with achondroplasia.

Del Pino, M., Fano, V. & Lejarraga, H. Eur. J. Pediatr. 170, 453–459 (2011).


Growth charts for Australian children with achondroplasia.

Tofts L, Das S, Collins F, Burton KLO. Am. J. Med. Genet. A. 173(8):2189-2200 (2017).


Growth in achondroplasia: Development of height, weight, head circumference, and body mass index in a European cohort.

Merker A, Neumeyer L, Herte, NT, Grigelioniene G, Mäkitie O, Mohnike K, Hagenäs L. Am. J. of Med. Genet. A 176, 1723-34 (2018).